Connecting Better This Season

With summer in full swing, the opportunities for connecting with others outside of the daily grind are expanding. All the sunshine and post-work BBQs start bringing people together who may typically keep to themselves. Rather than waiting for the awkward scenario in which you're standing next to a coworker you barely know at the next picnic making uncomfortable small talk…
Top 3 Reasons We are Resistant to Change (A Medical Drama Example)

My youngest child is home on summer break from college, which means we've had lots of time spent together the last few weeks. While I typically enjoy our hangouts regardless of the activity, I was less than thrilled watching the latest season of Grey's Anatomy with her…
How to Manage Your Office for Different Personalities

There's been a long prevailing idea in business management that tells us to train employees to fit our systems, rather than to adjust our systems to fit our employees. While much can be said for creating consistent processes or else making decisions on a leader-by-leader basis, we do our staff a disservice by treating them all the same…
What does it mean to "fail fast"?

My son is a recent college graduate and is currently making his way through the right of passage known as "landing a professional job". Using tools like Glass Door, Indeed, and LinkedIn he has been building his lists of pros/cons for various opportunities. I feel I have taught him well; he has been searching for information on company values and culture to make sure the fit works for both parties…
How to Foster Community in Remote Teams

Working remotely is becoming one of the biggest trends of modern organizations. Staff who work remotely have shown to be more productive and efficient, more trusting of their employer, save more money, and are less stressed than their office-working counterparts. So it's no wonder that more and more organizations are switching to telecommuting offices…
How to "Coach Up" to Your Boss

Throughout my career, I have had the pleasure of working as an executive coach and teaching those desiring to be coaches. In almost every class I lead, I frequently hear the same thing: "This is such great information, I wish I could get my manager to act more as a coach!"…
The Best Planners to Organize Your Business in 2019

As the end of the year creeps up, many of us are thinking about our personal new year's resolutions for 2019. But have you considered any business resolutions? As a creative (read: disorganized) person, one of my top resolutions for the upcoming year is to get my daily work organized…
Thank You's that stick, not stink, this holiday season

Believe it or not, saying "thank you" isn't as straightforward as you might think. I've certainly been at the receiving end of a heartfelt, but sorely lacking, showcase of appreciation. Nothing feels worse than feeling uncomfortable (or just unvalued!) because of the way someone tries to thank you…