Personality assessments for business: which one is right for you?

So you want to use a personality assessment in your organization. Assessment-shopping can feel a little like goldilocks and the three bears; some focus too much on the individual, some are too broad, and some don't serve your needs at all. So which one is just right for you? To start, it's important to determine the purpose of your personality assessment…
How can a Logical CEO not think people are the most important?

My coaching client sat across from me, exasperated as she asked this question, which really was a statement because she fundamentally believed their firm would be doomed with this new CEO. I asked her, an HR leader of a mid-sized engineering firm, to help me understand why she felt this way…
5 Reasons Executives Get Stuck in Strategy

When coaching executives, I am often requested for strategic vision planning. Most of these leaders are excited about the idea of moving forward intentionally for the betterment of the organization. And yet, many of these same executives are firmly rooted in the strategy phase.
The Top 3 Causes of Office Drama

We have all been there. We have all felt that uncomfortable pit in our stomach, the raised hair on our necks, the desire to put on headphones and just tune out. Some days we just want to avoid getting out of bed; avoidance seems like the best solution. However our need to pay our mortgage rings loud in our head so we move forward and prepare to hopefully avoid the agitator at the office.
March Madness: Coaching with EQ

The most effective leaders in the world have high Emotional Intelligence (also known as EQ).
Accordingly to, Emotional Intelligence is defined as 'the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.'
Do Men Need EQ?

Do men need Emotional Intelligence?
That depends…
Do men need to increase self-awareness?
Do men need to improve their leadership performance?
Do men need to forge stronger, more connected relationships?
What is EQ?

Recent dialogue around business success has been singing the praise of EQ, for it's powerful benefits to company progress, and in growing a culture of teamwork and dismantling toxicity in the workplace.
Is Your EQ Heart-Shaped this Valentine's Day?

19.7 billion dollars was the total estimated amount spent by Americans on Valentines day in 2016, and one in 2 people reported celebrating Valentines Day. Yet for all of that money spent and celebration happening – the divorce rate it is still alarmingly high.