For years, I've been bumping into blog posts where people share their word for the year. It always intrigued me, but I could never figure out how someone could pick one word, one little word, and build an entire year around it. Then last year, while working on strategic plans for Emergent, I uncovered my word.
The word that will be my guidepost for 2020. The one little word that I will look to each day for inspiration. The one little world that will ripple through all aspects of my personal and professional life. My one little word for 2020 is THRIVE.
Thrive (verb): To flourish, grow, or prosper. To progress toward or realize a goal.
While working on our strategic plans for Emergent we wrote a new mission statement:
Creating relationships that THRIVE where you live, work, pray and play.
Relationships are the foundation of what we do here at Emergent. It is our belief that everyone within an organization should have the opportunity to fully appreciate each other. By fostering growth, we create opportunities to discover different ways of working together. These opportunities allow us to positively impact our immediate community and beyond.
As we begin this new decade, we are looking forward to creating many new relationships. We see the value in fostering growth through positive communication and collaboration. These relationships start at home with our families and weave their way through our employees, clients, friends and communities.
As I journey down this road this year, I'll be dropping in to share the different strategies that I'm using to thrive where I live, work, play and pray.
Have you chosen a word for 2020? I'd love to hear what your word is! Share in the comments or join us on Instagram and share and discuss.